Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Kuwaiti Investor's Market Analysis of New York Assignment

A Kuwaiti Investor's Market Analysis of New York - Assignment Example Cultural analysis of the State of New York: New York is arguably one of the most important and famous cities in the world and has been an important center of trade for numerous years. Geographically, it lies in the north eastern region of the USA, bordered nationally by the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Long Island and Rhode Island. It also shares an international border with Canada in the north (Sutcliffe 67). New York’s climate is described as humid continental with diverse weather patterns across the state and at different times of the year. It has humid summers and long cold winters. Two aspects describe the topography of New York; Appalachian highlands and low lying areas where the most important cities are. New York City is situated on the coastal lowland (Silverman et al. 2). The social description of New York can begin with the family setting where it is observed that nuclear families abound in the urban and suburban areas whi le extended families reside in the rural areas. A single description for the dynamics of the family in New York is impossible given the diversity present though generally parents share the responsibility of raising children and ensuring the wellbeing of the family. In most cases especially in the cities, both parents are employed or seek jobs to take care of their family. In terms of education, New York has one of the lowest teacher-student ratios in the USA besides also being the biggest spender per student at the elementary and secondary levels (Scott, 2010). New York bears the largest public university system in the USA in State University of New York (SUNY), a series of top ranked universities covering 64 campuses, over a million students and annual enrolments of half a million students. The education system is thus well established. The political system of New York integrates into part of the federal US government and a state government (Ward 2). The state government has an exe cutive, a bicameral legislature and a judiciary (95). The urban areas are major Democrat strongholds while the non-urban areas are more inclined to Republican politics (Schneier, Murtaugh and Pole 60). The state government deals with internal affairs including state laws and bylaws, regulation of trade and law enforcement among other issues. The legal system of the state is based upon common English law (Ward 161; Manz, Gibson and Spencer 7). The Federal Trade Commission handles most patenting and marketing issues. The diet and nutrition of New Yorkers also varies according to whether one is in the urban or farmland regions. The trends in the city revolve around eating out and fast food chains are quite popular. The typical meals in this state are mainly fast foods; pizzas, French fries and burgers among similar foods. There however are other foods available from the farmlands including vegetables such as lettuce and whole meals but all constraints in the supply chain mean that most urban New Yorkers can only access fast foods easily. Economic Analysis: According to the 2010 census figures, New York has a population of 19.3 million and is ranked the third most populous state in the USA. Distribution of

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

International personnel and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International personnel and development - Essay Example recruitment and selection process, management development and performance appraisal has a significant effect on the international reward and compensation packages a company is offering to the expatriates. Therefore, international HR management should take it as a challenge to avoid possible weak points in its international reward and compensation packages. To avoid legal issues in other countries, the company should exert an effort to make sure that its international HR management group will comply with the labour laws in its five major business group. Basically, the role and responsibility of international HR management does not end in sending out expatriates on international assignment, this group of individuals should also develop and implement competitive repatriation packages to prolong the long-term benefits of LVMH’s increasing number of expatriates. Established in 1971, LVMH expanded its business to become the leading luxury brand conglomerate in the world. As a successful aggregate confederacy of brands, LVMH is now composed of 50 companies that are directly managing 450 subsidiaries in the world market (p. 319). Handling its subsidiaries, each of the 50 companies is composed of a President and Executive Committee monitors the business activities of each subsidiary. Although LVMH acknowledges the importance of being multi-cultural when managing its businesses all over the world, LVMH’s human resource department is encountering challenges related to the company’s existing career development strategies due to lack of international experience. Employing a total of 56,000 employees in different countries, the HR department of LVMH is challenged to attract, develop and retain competitive managers with global competence by improving the company’s HR strategies related to career development and international mobility options. Engaged by the Corporate Head Quarters as a Principal Consultant with McStrategy Consulting expertise, a literature-based