Sunday, April 19, 2020

Internal Medicine Essay Example

Internal Medicine Paper Every person has a distinct definition of success that differs from the perspective of others. For some, success is a word that is closely attributed to being famous and earning a lot of money; for others, it is a word used to having a high position in the company that they are working for. Personally, I define success as being able to accomplish what is tasked of me and at the same manner, being able to contribute to the society in my own little way. The lesser the fame, the better. This sounds surreal, but it is true. My name is (insert your name here) and I am looking forward to studying at (insert name of school here). I am a person full of conviction and passion in this field because I wanted to serve people in the society. I love giving back the knowledge and expertise that I have to those people who really needed my assistance. Stepping a level in this field of will surely make me achieve those goals. At a very young age, I was able to realize the importance and the power of medicine. Looking back on my younger years, I met an accident when I was four as me and my brother walks across the street. I was struck by the fender of an Oldsmobile and fractured my femur. We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Medicine specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Medicine specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Medicine specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It took several months before I was able to recover from such experience. But then I came to understand more about life and how one should value medicines power to heal. My personal experiences and academic background made me learn the importance of Internal Medicine in every society. I graduated from (insert name of your previous school). Being a student, I am really fascinated in Science subjects and drew more interest about the human mind and body when I went to college. Whenever I rotate on the wards, I see how important medicine is in the treatment sand recovery of patients. I was keenly aware of the gravity and importance of a healthcare teams work. This is my passion and upon seeing myself years from now, I feel overwhelmed and blessed of what I can do for others. Once I reach such position I will also do my best to build rapport to patients so that they will refer me to other friends and relatives. Having a good relationship with your patients is necessary in order for the problem to be solved immediately. Aside from that, I believe that I am competent enough in studying more about Internal Medicine which will help me in my future endeavors. I wanted to bring back the glory not only by educating my patients but also by teaching students of all ages outside of the hospital. In my college statistics course, for example, I took it upon myself to tutor students that were struggling with the material. Many had taken the course already and failed, but after working together each student I helped got a B or above. Fulfilled by this chance to give back to the community, I took on more tutoring work, specializing in students who came from poorer schools. I found this work even more stimulating than my research, because of the personal bonds I formed with my students. The communication skills I developed through teaching will serve me well as a resident and throughout my career. My greatest asset though is my heartfelt desire to provide medical help for those in need. Choosing to study in this respectable institution will ease the path towards brighter opportunities in the future for me. I believe that this university is capable of making students the best among the rest in giving nursing services. It has wide array of educational resources and expert professors that will hone promising students like me. I believe that my passion and my hard work will give me a reputable place in the profession. I believe that this is the right time to step to another level of my life. I am a very optimistic, sincere, dedicated, enthusiastic, compassionate and hard working person and I believe that these qualities will made me reach the top of the ladder in the future. Physical medicine and Rehabilitation Always reach for the star. That is my ultimate goal in life. Personal experiences gave me learning and responsibilities that molded me to be what I am now. My endeavor in life that I wished to happen at the right time comes with great purpose. I am confident that being admitted in your institution has the capability of making students to stretch beyond the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation degree. I take one step at a time to manage my skills in a way that will lead to further enhancement and development. Life is a roller coaster and there are certain events where my abilities are put into test which later on taught me how strong I should be. I met an accident when I was four years old. That accident which fractured my femur made me understand the importance of this field of medicine. Ever since, I have wanted a career in which I too can help people achieve optimum function when recovering from similar experiences. I know firsthand that rehabilitation can be difficult, and I am committed to helping others regain dreams that seem lost. My third year of studies in (insert name of your medical school here), I experienced surgery and internal medicine rotations which enticed me to pursue physical medicine and rehabilitation. I want more exposure in dealing with cases of PM R. during the two PMR elective rotations I have at Elmhurst Hospital, we are immersed clinically, we are able to observe and rationalize for ourselves what the needs of the people for this specific time are. At the same time, it helps us to predict whatever it is that we need to accomplish in order for us to prevent certain dilemmas. Having those experiences like helping patients walk after surgery or move their limbs when in a rigid state would also help us to be more aware and careful of the lines that may be drawn while trying to accomplish the desired goals. I am keenly aware of the gravity and importance of a healthcare teams work. As such, I try to remain a consummate professional while achieving an intimate rapport with patients. I am careful in explaining treatments and diagnosis since I firmly believe that each patient has a unique individual story that drives me to work harder. Life is a give and take process and just as I enjoy educating patients about their health, I also find satisfaction in teaching students of all ages outside of the hospital. One example of this is my college statistics course; I tutored students that were struggling with the material that they have. Majority had taken the course already and failed, but after aiding those students they got B grades or above. I developed my communication skills through teaching and this will serve me well as a resident and throughout my career. In addition to my ability to listen and convey ideas clearly, I have a flair for solving complex problems. I also pride myself in my ability to get along well with others. I thrive when doing group work in service of a higher cause. Going to school in Grenada, for example, when a hurricane devastated the island, I immediately volunteered for GR3Grenada Relief, Recovery. Partnering with Humanity International, wse built temporary homes. The labor was demanding, but I enjoyed working as part of a team, and the results of our labor more than justified the effort. I am seeking a residency program that will provide a solid foundation in the clinical practice of rehabilitation medicine. In addition to structured training, I look forward to working with a diverse population in multiple facilities. My ideal learning environment will encourage close patient interaction. After my residency, I plan to continue my education with fellowship training in musculoskeletal or sports medicine. Eventually, I aspire to a career in clinical medicine with opportunities to do clinical research. I am passionate about restoring human function to those in needs, and am eager to acquire the vast amount of medical knowledge necessary to do so. Surgery Personal Statement Some say that life is filled with a lot of disappointments. There are disappointments that can normally make or break somebodys life. With the experiences that one has, it is sometimes unavoidable that they try and give up on everything, especially when they feel that their world has crumbled down on them. According to Denis Didero, an 18th Century French Philosopher, â€Å"only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things†. Hearing about this saying made me realize that life is not as bad as it may seem. It made me realized that there is more to life than what you can see and do. I always have this inclination to activities that requires dexterity and advanced critical and analytical reasoning. As a kid, I used my nimble fingers to assemble everything from bikes and model cars to computers, and when I began medical school I was eager to use this manual agility to help others in life or death matters. It seemed miraculous that I literally held the power to heal in my hands, and I knew I wanted to devote the rest of my life to surgery. At our early age, we tend to migrate to the fact that life becomes more and more realistic as we get older. The usual things that make us smile and be proud of ourselves tend to change as we go on and experience new and exciting things. I for one, am a very dedicated student and a very loving child to my parents. I love the adventure and the thrill of discovering new ideas everyday. Reaching out and helping other people to the best of my ability, has always been one of my greatest passions. I cant stand the sight of having someone fall down and not have anyone to help them out. Even as a young kid, I have always been searching for relevant answers as to why and how certain things happen to older people. As the perseverant type determined to succeed, I soon find answers to all of my queries. My love and solid appreciation for the gravity of a surgeons work. It made me more motivated to go out of this world and help people in my own way. I believe that being able to devote my specialization in this field will help me grow as a person and fulfill my dreams. With a solid appreciation for the gravity of a surgeons work, I remained devoted to the specialty throughout medical school. I assisted in 27 surgeries in this time, each of which involved meticulous care in the handling of scalpels and laparascopes. As I developed these technical skills, I also strived to improve my personal interactions with patients. I worked to achieve an intimate rapport with each patient, and was careful to explain each treatment and diagnosis thoroughly. Each patients individual story drove me to work harder. Fulfilled by this chance to give back to the community, I took on more tutoring work, specializing in students who came from poorer schools. I found this work even more stimulating than my research, because of the personal bonds I formed with my students. The communication skills I developed through teaching will serve me well as a resident and throughout my career. In addition to my ability to listen and convey ideas clearly, I have a flair for solving complex problems. I also pride myself in my ability to get along well with others. I thrive when doing group work in service of a higher cause. Going to school in Grenada, for example, when a hurricane devastated the island, I immediately volunteered for GR3Grenada Relief, Recovery. Partnering with Humanity International, we built temporary homes. The labor was demanding, but I enjoyed working as part of a team, and the results of our labor more than justified the effort. I know that being able to fulfill my dreams entails a lot from ones end. Sacrifices have to be made, and this means that I have to be more determined than ever to succeed. My greatest asset though is my heartfelt desire to provide medical help for those in need. After my residency, I plan on balancing a primarily clinical career with research and teaching opportunities. I know I will enjoy all of the work I do to promote greatest physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing in patients. My dreams are just a few years away from me—and it is up to your good institution to help me fulfill that dream for me to become a complete person..

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